Westwood Farm School

Pupil Page

Our teachers will let us know very soon which clubs they will be running this term.

From Tuesday 12th September 2023 Football Club with Nigel (£5 fee) Year 5/6 Tuesday Year 3/4 Wednesday Year 5/6 Thursday after school 3.30pm-4.45pm  

FOWFS Lego Club in conjunction with Master Builders Club (£7 fee)

Infant Session Wednesday 4th October

Junior Session Thursday 5th October  

Welcome to our Pupil Page, this is where we tell you what it is like to be a pupil at Westwood Farm.

As a whole school we decided what we thought was a good way to describe what we think is important in our school. 

  • A place for friendship 
  • A place that is kind
  • A place to be safe
  • A place to be independent
  • A place for learning
  • A place where everybody is respected
  • A place to be part of a team and a community
  • A Place to do my best
  • A place to be active

We also voted for our new school motto which is:

                                          Nurture, Inspire, Achieve 

There are lots of things to tell you about our school and we will keep adding to this page.

Levi Clarke is in year 6 and has just started out first Wild News Information sheet and it's amazing! Take a look here.

Wild News at The Farm Edition 1

and here is Edition 2

Wild News at The Farm Edition 2

When you reach year 6 you could become an Ambassador and help the teachers to teach!


Year 6 Ambassadors


Who Keeps us safe and happy at school?

Everyone in our school works hard to make sure we are safe and happy in school. We have teachers on duty at lunch and break times to make sure we don't hurt ourselves.

We have a fence around our school to make sure only people that should be in school or visit us are the right people.

We have a caretaker who checks all the equipment is safe to use.

Sometimes we might need to talk to an adult about something that is bothering us. We have assemblies to remind us what we need to do if we have a problem and who to go to. We are also taught what is not acceptable behaviour towards children.