Westwood Farm School

Science Curriculum Intent

“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.” – Edward Teller

Science Lead: Mrs Emma Norford (FS2/KS1) & Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Frewen (KS2)

  • At Westwood Farm, we believe that Science provides children with the opportunity to understand the world around them, and importantly what the world might be like in the future. It also provides an exciting context to apply many of the other skills they learn at school.  
  • We have developed a carefully sequenced Science curriculum that ensures children cover the subject in a nurturing, inspiring and supporting way.  
  •  The curriculum journey starts in the early years where children are introduced to a wide range of vocabulary and phenomena. As children move through the school, new knowledge is systematically integrated into pre-existing knowledge allowing scientific concepts to be revisited and built on.  
  • We believe children learn best by doing and seeing, so children have the opportunities to activity carry out different types of scientific enquires. This allows them to work scientifically and for the application of knowledge to become embedded. 
